Salvare lo script seguente come file con estensione .hta ed usarlo richiamandolo nel seguente modo :

"c:\scripts\Uninstall Utility.hta" NOME_COMPUTER_REMOTO


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="description" content="Created by Stuart Barrett">
<meta name="description" content="Last Update: 03/10/11">

<title>Software Uninstall Utility</title>


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<script language="VBScript">

'#  SCRIPT.........:	UninstallUtility.hta
'#  AUTHOR.........:	Stuart Barrett
'#  VERSION........:	1.8
'#  CREATED........:	17/06/11
'#  LICENSE........:	Freeware
'#  DESCRIPTION....:	Retrieves a list of installed programs on a remote
'#						PC and allows the user to uninstall any as required.
'#  NOTES..........:	Takes one command line arguement - Computer Name
'#						(not required) To specify "PC1" as computer name:
'#						"c:\scripts\Uninstall Utility.hta" PC1
'#  CUSTOMIZE......:  
'#  REVISED BY.....:  
'#  EMAIL..........:  
	Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003 : Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
	Const adVarChar = 200 : Const adDate = 7 : Const MaxCharacters = 255
	Dim strPC, intSWCount, booSoftwareNameSort, booVendorSort, booVersionSort, booInstallDateSort

	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
	Set DataList = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	ShowSoftwareItems()
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Retrieves a list of installed software
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub ShowSoftwareItems()
		On Error Resume Next = "wait"
		Set DataList = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
		booSoftwareNameSort = 1
		booVendorSort = 0
		booVersionSort = 0
		booInstallDateSort = 1
		intSWCount = 0
		WMIError.className = "hidden"
		NotFoundArea.className = "hidden"
		PSExecError.className = "hidden"
		DataArea.className = ""
		btnShowSW.Disabled = True
		btnShowSW.className = "disabled"
		txtComputerName.Disabled = True
		txtComputerName.className = "text disabled" = "bold"
		txtComputerName.Title = ""
		btnShowSW.Title = ""
		If IsNull(txtComputerName.Value) OR txtComputerName.Value = "" OR txtComputerName.Value = "." Then
			txtComputerName.Value = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")
		End If
		txtComputerName.Value = UCase(txtComputerName.Value)
		strPC = txtComputerName.Value
		If NOT Reachable(strPC) Then
			NotFoundArea.className = ""
			DataArea.className = "hidden" = "default"
			Exit Sub
		End If
		strLoggedOnUser = LoggedOnUser(strPC)
		If IsNull(strLoggedOnUser) OR strLoggedOnUser = "" Then strLoggedOnUser = "None"
		LoggedOnSpan.InnerHTML = "Logged On User: " & strLoggedOnUser
		DataArea.InnerHTML = "<h3>Fetching Software info for " & strPC & ", please wait.</h3>"
		DataList.Fields.Append "SoftwareName", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		DataList.Fields.Append "Vendor", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		DataList.Fields.Append "Version", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		DataList.Fields.Append "InstallDate", adDate
		DataList.Fields.Append "UninstallString", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		DataList.Fields.Append "SilentString", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		DataList.Fields.Append "ID", adVarChar, MaxCharacters
		strHTML = "<form name=""softwareform"" method=""post"">" & _
			"<table class=""softwaretable"">" & _
				"<tr>" & _
					"<th style=""width:30%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
						"title=""Sort by Software Title"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(1)>" & _
						"Software Title   ^</th>" & _
					"<th style=""width:24%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
						"title=""Sort by Vendor"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(2)>Vendor</th>" & _
					"<th style=""width:15%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
						"title=""Sort by Version"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(3)>Version</th>" & _
					"<th style=""width:15%;cursor:hand;"" " & _
						"title=""Sort by Install Date"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(4)>Install Date</th>" & _
					"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
					"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
		Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strPC & "/root/default:StdRegProv")
		If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			WMIError.className = ""
			DataArea.className = "hidden" = "default"
			Exit Sub
		End If

		DataArea.InnerHTML = "<h3>Fetching Software info for " & strPC & ", please wait..</h3>"
		Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
			strPC & "\root\cimv2")
		Set colOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
			("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
		For Each objItem In colOS
			intLocale = objItem.Locale
		strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
		objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys
		For Each objItem In arrSubKeys
			strValueName = "DisplayName"
			strSubPath = strKeyPath & "\" & objItem
			objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath,strValueName,strName
			If strName <> "" AND InStr(strName, "Hotfix") = 0 AND _
			InStr(strName, "Security Update") = 0 AND _
			InStr(strName, "Update for Windows") = 0 Then
				booHide = 0
				objReg.GetDwordValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				If (booHide <> 1 OR IsNull(booHide) OR booHide = "") AND strUninstallString <> "" _
				AND (IsNull(strParentKey) OR strParentKey = "") _
				AND (IsNull(strReleaseType) OR strReleaseType = "")Then
					intSWCount = intSWCount + 1
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					If IsNull(intInstallDate) OR intInstallDate = "" Then
						dtmInstallDate = " "
							If MID(intInstallDate,5,2) > 12 Then
								If intLocale = 0809 Then
									intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
									intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
								End If
									If intLocale = 0809 Then
										intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
											intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
											intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
									End If
							End If
							dtmInstallDate = intDate & "/" & intMonth & "/" & _

							If NOT IsDate(dtmInstallDate) Then
								dtmInstallDate = " "
							End If
					End If
					If IsNull(strName) OR strName = "" Then
						strSoftwareName = " "
					End If
					If IsNull(strVendor) OR strVendor = "" Then
						strVendor = " "
					End If
					If IsNull(strVersion) OR strVersion = "" Then
						strVersion = " "
					End If
					If InStr(Lcase(strUninstallString), "msiexec.exe") > 0 Then
						strSilentString = strUninstallString & " /qn /norestart"
					End If

					If intSWCount < 10 Then intSWCount = "0" & intSWCount
					DataList("SoftwareName") = strName
					DataList("Vendor") = strVendor
					DataList("Version") = strVersion
					DataList("InstallDate") = dtmInstallDate
					DataList("UninstallString") = strUninstallString
					DataList("SilentString") = strSilentString
					DataList("ID") = intSWCount
				End If
			End If
		strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
		objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys
		For Each objItem In arrSubKeys
			strValueName = "DisplayName"
			strSubPath = strKeyPath & "\" & objItem
			objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath,strValueName,strName
			If strName <> "" AND InStr(strName, "Hotfix") = 0 AND _
			InStr(strName, "Security Update") = 0 AND _
			InStr(strName, "Update for Windows") = 0 Then
				booHide = 0
				objReg.GetDwordValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
				If (booHide <> 1 OR IsNull(booHide) OR booHide = "") AND strUninstallString <> "" _
				AND (IsNull(strParentKey) OR strParentKey = "") _
				AND (IsNull(strReleaseType) OR strReleaseType = "")Then
					intSWCount = intSWCount + 1
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strSubPath, _
					If IsNull(intInstallDate) OR intInstallDate = "" Then
						dtmInstallDate = " "
							If MID(intInstallDate,5,2) > 12 Then
								If intLocale = 0809 Then
									intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
									intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
								End If
									If intLocale = 0809 Then
										intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
											intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
											intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
									End If
							End If
							dtmInstallDate = intDate & "/" & intMonth & "/" & _

							If NOT IsDate(dtmInstallDate) Then
								dtmInstallDate = " "
							End If
					End If
					If IsNull(strName) OR strName = "" Then
						strSoftwareName = " "
					End If
					If IsNull(strVendor) OR strVendor = "" Then
						strVendor = " "
					End If
					If IsNull(strVersion) OR strVersion = "" Then
						strVersion = " "
					End If
					If InStr(Lcase(strUninstallString), "msiexec.exe") > 0 Then
						strSilentString = strUninstallString & " /qn /norestart"
					End If

					If intSWCount < 10 Then intSWCount = "0" & intSWCount
					DataList("SoftwareName") = strName
					DataList("Vendor") = strVendor
					DataList("Version") = strVersion
					DataList("InstallDate") = dtmInstallDate
					DataList("UninstallString") = strUninstallString
					DataList("SilentString") = strSilentString
					DataList("ID") = intSWCount
				End If
			End If
		DataArea.InnerHTML = "<h3>Fetching Software info for " & strPC & ", please wait...</h3>"
		If strLoggedOnUser <> "None" Then
			strRemoteSID = GetSIDFromUser(strLoggedOnUser)
			strKeyPath = strRemoteSID & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
			objReg.EnumKey HKEY_USERS, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys
			For Each objItem In arrSubKeys
				strValueName = "DisplayName"
				strSubPath = strKeyPath & "\" & objItem
				objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath,strValueName,strName
				If strName <> "" AND InStr(strName, "Hotfix") = 0 AND _
				InStr(strName, "Security Update") = 0 AND _
				InStr(strName, "Update for Windows") = 0 Then
					booHide = 0
					objReg.GetDwordValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
					objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
					If (booHide <> 1 OR IsNull(booHide) OR booHide = "") AND strUninstallString <> "" _
					AND (IsNull(strParentKey) OR strParentKey = "") _
					AND (IsNull(strReleaseType) OR strReleaseType = "")Then
						intSWCount = intSWCount + 1
						objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
						objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
						objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
						objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS,strSubPath, _
						If IsNull(intInstallDate) OR intInstallDate = "" Then
							dtmInstallDate = " "
								If MID(intInstallDate,5,2) > 12 Then
									If intLocale = 0809 Then
										intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
										intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
											intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
											intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
									End If
										If intLocale = 0809 Then
											intDate = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
											intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
												intDate = MID(intInstallDate,5,2)
												intMonth = MID(intInstallDate,7,2)
										End If
								End If
								dtmInstallDate = intDate & "/" & intMonth & "/" & _

								If NOT IsDate(dtmInstallDate) Then
									dtmInstallDate = " "
								End If
						End If
						If IsNull(strName) OR strName = "" Then
							strSoftwareName = " "
						End If
						If IsNull(strVendor) OR strVendor = "" Then
							strVendor = " "
						End If
						If IsNull(strVersion) OR strVersion = "" Then
							strVersion = " "
						End If
						If InStr(Lcase(strUninstallString), "msiexec.exe") > 0 Then
							strSilentString = strUninstallString & " /qn /norestart"
						End If

						If intSWCount < 10 Then intSWCount = "0" & intSWCount
						DataList("SoftwareName") = strName
						DataList("Vendor") = strVendor
						DataList("Version") = strVersion
						DataList("InstallDate") = dtmInstallDate
						DataList("UninstallString") = strUninstallString
						DataList("SilentString") = strSilentString
						DataList("ID") = intSWCount
					End If
				End If
		End If

		DataList.Sort = "SoftwareName"
		DataArea.InnerHTML = "<h3>Fetching Software info for " & strPC & ", please wait....</h3>"
		Do Until DataList.EOF
			strSoftwareName = DataList.Fields.Item("SoftwareName")
			strVendor = DataList.Fields.Item("Vendor")
			strVersion = DataList.Fields.Item("Version")
			dtmInstallDate = DataList.Fields.Item("InstallDate")
			strUninstallString = DataList.Fields.Item("UninstallString")
			strSilentString = DataList.Fields.Item("SilentString")
			intID = DataList.Fields.Item("ID")
			strSoftwareSearch = Replace(strSoftwareName, " ", "_")
			If InStr(LCase(strUninstallString), "msiexec.exe") > 0 Then
				strSilentString = Replace(strUninstallString, _
					"MsiExec.exe /I", "MsiExec.exe /norestart /quiet /X")
				strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, _
					"MsiExec.exe /I", "MsiExec.exe /X")
			End If
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, "'", "{APOS}")
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strSoftwareName, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strEncodedSWName, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strEncodedSWName, "'", "{APOS}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, "'", "{APOS}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strNewValue = strSoftwareName & "||" & strVendor & "||" & strVersion & "||" & _
				dtmInstallDate & "||" & strUninstallString & "||" & strSilentString & "||" & intID
			strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td><span class=""spanlink"" onClick=OpenURL(""" & _
				strSoftwareSearch & """) title=""Search Google for '" & strSoftwareName & "'"">" & strSoftwareName & _
				"</span><input type=""hidden"" name=""hdnValue" & intID & """ value=""" & strNewValue & """></td>"
			strHTML = strHTML &	"<td>" & strVendor & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td>" & strVersion & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;"">" & dtmInstallDate & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;""><input class=""button"" type=""button"" " & _
				"style=""width:70;height:23px;"" value=""Uninstall"" id=""btnUninstall" & intID & """ title=""Uninstall '" & _
				strSoftwareName & "' interactively"" onClick=UninstallSoftware(""" & strUninstallString & _
				"||" & strEncodedSWName & "||0"") onMouseOver=""btnMouseOver(me)"" onMouseOut=""btnMouseOut(me)""></td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;""><input class=""button"" type=""button"" " & _
				"style=""width:70;height:23px;"" value=""Silent"" id=""btnSilent" & intID & """ title=""Uninstall '" & _
				strSoftwareName & "' silently"" onClick=UninstallSoftware(""" & strSilentString & _
				"||" & strEncodedSWName & "||1"") onMouseOver=""btnMouseOver(me)"" onMouseOut=""btnMouseOut(me)""> </td>"
			strHTML = strHTML &	"</tr>" 
		strHTML = strHTML & "</table></form>"

		DataArea.InnerHTML = strHTML

		For j = 1 To intSWCount
			strUninstallString = ""
			strSilentString = ""

			If j < 10 Then j = "0" & j
			strValue = document.getElementById("hdnValue" & j).Value
			arrValues = Split(strValue, "||")
			strUninstallString = arrValues(4)
			strSilentString = arrValues(5)
			If strUninstallString = "" Then
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).Disabled = True	
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).className = "disabled"
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).Title = ""
			End If
			If strSilentString = "" Then
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).Disabled = True
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).className = "disabled"
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).Title = ""
			End If

		BottomBar.className = ""
		NumItemsSpan.InnerHTML = intSWCount & " items" = "default"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	SortSoftwareItems(intSort)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Sorts the list of installed software
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	intSort = index of row to sort
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	SortSoftwareItems(2)
    '#	NOTES..........:	The above example would sort the Vendor row
	Sub SortSoftwareItems(intSort)
		On Error Resume Next = "wait"
		Select Case intSort
			Case 1
				booVendorSort = 0
				booVersionSort = 0
				booInstallDateSort = 1
				If booSoftwareNameSort = 0 Then
					booSoftwareNameSort = 1
					strSortHTML = "Software Title   ^"
					DataList.Sort = "SoftwareName ASC"
						booSoftwareNameSort = 0
						strSortHTML = "Software Title   <span style=""font-size:0.6em"">v</span>"
						DataList.Sort = "SoftwareName DESC"
				End If
				strHTML = "<form name=""softwareform"" method=""post"">" & _
				"<table class=""softwaretable"">" & _
					"<tr>" & _
						"<th style=""width:30%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Software Title"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(1)>" & _
							strSortHTML & "</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:24%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Vendor"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(2)>Vendor</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Version"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(3)>Version</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Install Date"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(4)>Install Date</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
			Case 2
				booSoftwareNameSort = 0
				booVersionSort = 0
				booInstallDateSort = 1
				If booVendorSort = 0 Then
					booVendorSort = 1
					strSortHTML = "Vendor   ^"
					DataList.Sort = "Vendor ASC"
						booVendorSort = 0
						strSortHTML = "Vendor   <span style=""font-size:0.6em"">v</span>"
						DataList.Sort = "Vendor DESC"
				End If
				strHTML = "<form name=""softwareform"" method=""post"">" & _
				"<table class=""softwaretable"">" & _
					"<tr>" & _
						"<th style=""width:30%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Software Title"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(1)>Software Title</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:24%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Vendor"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(2)>" & _
							strSortHTML & "</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Version"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(3)>Version</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Install Date"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(4)>Install Date</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
			Case 3
				booSoftwareNameSort = 0
				booVendorSort = 0
				booInstallDateSort = 1
				If booVersionSort = 0 Then
					booVersionSort = 1
					strSortHTML = "Version   ^"
					DataList.Sort = "Version ASC"
						booVersionSort = 0
						strSortHTML = "Version   <span style=""font-size:0.6em"">v</span>"
						DataList.Sort = "Version DESC"
				End If
				strHTML = "<form name=""softwareform"" method=""post"">" & _
				"<table class=""softwaretable"">" & _
					"<tr>" & _
						"<th style=""width:30%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Software Title"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(1)>Software Title</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:24%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Vendor"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(2)>Vendor</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Version"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(3)>" & _
							strSortHTML & "</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Install Date"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(4)>Install Date</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
			Case 4
				booSoftwareNameSort = 0
				booVendorSort = 0
				booVersionSort = 0
				If booInstallDateSort = 0 Then
					booInstallDateSort = 1
					strSortHTML = "Install Date   ^"
					DataList.Sort = "InstallDate ASC"
						booInstallDateSort = 0
						strSortHTML = "Install Date   <span style=""font-size:0.6em"">v</span>"
						DataList.Sort = "InstallDate DESC"
				End If
				strHTML = "<form name=""softwareform"" method=""post"">" & _
				"<table class=""softwaretable"">" & _
					"<tr>" & _
						"<th style=""width:30%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Software Title"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(1)>Software Title</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:24%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Vendor"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(2)>Vendor</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;text-align:left;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Version"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(3)>Version</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:15%;cursor:hand;"" " & _
							"title=""Sort by Install Date"" onClick=SortSoftwareItems(4)>" & _
							strSortHTML & "</th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
						"<th style=""width:8%;""> </th>" & _
		End Select
		Do Until DataList.EOF
			strSoftwareName = DataList.Fields.Item("SoftwareName")
			strVendor = DataList.Fields.Item("Vendor")
			strVersion = DataList.Fields.Item("Version")
			dtmInstallDate = DataList.Fields.Item("InstallDate")
			strUninstallString = DataList.Fields.Item("UninstallString")
			strSilentString = DataList.Fields.Item("SilentString")
			intID = DataList.Fields.Item("ID")
			strSoftwareSearch = Replace(strSoftwareName, " ", "_")
			If InStr(LCase(strUninstallString), "msiexec.exe") > 0 Then
				strSilentString = Replace(strUninstallString, _
					"MsiExec.exe /I", "MsiExec.exe /norestart /quiet /X")
				strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, _
					"MsiExec.exe /I", "MsiExec.exe /X")
			End If
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, "'", "{APOS}")
			strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strSoftwareName, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strEncodedSWName, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strEncodedSWName = Replace(strEncodedSWName, "'", "{APOS}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, Chr(34), "{Chr(34)}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, "'", "{APOS}")
			strSilentString = Replace(strSilentString, " ", "{SPACE}")
			strNewValue = strSoftwareName & "||" & strVendor & "||" & strVersion & "||" & _
				dtmInstallDate & "||" & strUninstallString & "||" & strSilentString & "||" & intID
			strHTML = strHTML & "<tr>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td><span class=""spanlink"" onClick=OpenURL(""" & _
				strSoftwareSearch & """) title=""Search Google for '" & strSoftwareName & "'"">" & strSoftwareName & _
				"</span><input type=""hidden"" name=""hdnValue" & intID & """ value=""" & strNewValue & """></td>"
			strHTML = strHTML &	"<td>" & strVendor & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td>" & strVersion & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;"">" & dtmInstallDate & "</td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;""><input class=""button"" type=""button"" " & _
				"style=""width:70;height:23px;"" value=""Uninstall"" id=""btnUninstall" & intID & """ title=""Uninstall '" & _
				strSoftwareName & "' interactively"" onClick=UninstallSoftware(""" & strUninstallString & _
				"||" & strEncodedSWName & "||0"") onMouseOver=""btnMouseOver(me)"" onMouseOut=""btnMouseOut(me)""></td>"
			strHTML = strHTML & "<td style=""text-align:center;""><input class=""button"" type=""button"" " & _
				"style=""width:70;height:23px;"" value=""Silent"" id=""btnSilent" & intID & """ title=""Uninstall '" & _
				strSoftwareName & "' silently"" onClick=UninstallSoftware(""" & strSilentString & _
				"||" & strEncodedSWName & "||1"") onMouseOver=""btnMouseOver(me)"" onMouseOut=""btnMouseOut(me)""> </td>"
			strHTML = strHTML &	"</tr>" 
		strHTML = strHTML & "</table></form>"

		DataArea.InnerHTML = strHTML

		For j = 1 To intSWCount
			strUninstallString = ""
			strSilentString = ""

			If j < 10 Then j = "0" & j
			strValue = document.getElementById("hdnValue" & j).Value
			arrValues = Split(strValue, "||")
			strUninstallString = arrValues(4)
			strSilentString = arrValues(5)
			If strUninstallString = "" Then
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).Disabled = True	
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).className = "disabled"
				document.getElementById("btnUninstall" & j).Title = ""
			End If
			If strSilentString = "" Then
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).Disabled = True
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).className = "disabled"
				document.getElementById("btnSilent" & j).Title = ""
			End If
		Next = "default"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	btnMouseOver(objButton)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	onMouseOver routine to change colour of uninstall
	'#						buttons
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	objButton = button name
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	btnMouseOver("btnUninstall01")
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub btnMouseOver(objButton)
		objButton.className = "button btnhov"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	btnMouseOut(objButton)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	onMouseOut routine to change colour of uninstall
	'#						buttons
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	objButton = button name
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	btnMouseOut("btnUninstall01")
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub btnMouseOut(objButton)
		objButton.className = "button"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	OpenURL(strURL)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Opens the supplied URL in default browser
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	strURL = URL
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	OpenURL(""
    '#	NOTES..........:	Any spaces in URL must be encoded as underscores ( _ )
	Sub OpenURL(strURL)
		strURL = Replace(strURL, "_", " ")
		objShell.Run(Chr(34) & strURL & Chr(34))
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	UninstallSoftware(strValue)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Remotely uninstalls software
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	strValue = uninstall string and software title
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	UninstallSoftware("c:\uninstall.exe||MS Stuff")
    '#	NOTES..........:	Uses PSExec or Rctrlx to perform install
	Sub UninstallSoftware(strValue)
		arrValues = Split(strValue, "||")
		strUninstallString = arrValues(0)
		strSoftwareName = arrValues(1)
		booSilent = arrValues(2)
		If booSilent = 1 Then
			strSilentLabel = "silently"
			Else strSilentLabel = "interactively"
		End If
		strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, "{Chr(34)}", Chr(34))
		strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, "{APOS}", "'")
		strUninstallString = Replace(strUninstallString, "{SPACE}", " ")
		strSoftwareName = Replace(strSoftwareName, "{Chr(34)}", Chr(34))
		strSoftwareName = Replace(strSoftwareName, "{APOS}", "'")
		strSoftwareName = Replace(strSoftwareName, "{SPACE}", " ")
		strPath = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%path%")
		arrPaths = Split(strPath, ";")
		For i = 0 To UBound(arrPaths)
			strPathFolder = arrPaths(i) & "\"
			strPathFolder = Replace(strPathFolder, "\\", "\")
			strPathFolder = Replace(LCase(strPathFolder), "%systemroot%", _
			If objFSO.FileExists(strPathFolder & "psexec.exe") Then booPSExecInPath = 1
			If objFSO.FileExists(strPathFolder & "rctrlx.exe") Then booRctrlxInPath = 1

		If booPSExecInPath = 0 AND booRctrlxInPath = 0 Then
			For i = 0 To UBound(arrPaths)
				strPathFolder = arrPaths(i) & "\"
				strPathFolder = Replace(strPathFolder, "\\", "\")
				strPathFolder = Replace(LCase(strPathFolder), "%systemroot%", _
				strHTML = strHTML & LCase(strPathFolder) & "<br />"
			SystemPathSpan.InnerHTML = strHTML
			txtComputerName.Disabled = False
			btnShowSW.Disabled = False
			txtComputerName.className = "text"
			btnShowSW.className = "button"
			txtComputerName.Title = "Computer Name"
			btnShowSW.Title = "Show software list"
			PSExecError.className = ""
			DataArea.className = "hidden"
			BottomBar.className = "hidden"
			Exit Sub
		End If
		strUserName = Trim(txtPSUserName.Value)
		If booRctrlxInPath = 1 Then
			If strUserName <> "" Then 
				objShell.Run "%comspec% /c rctrlx " & strPC & " /u " & strUserName & " /i /app " & _
				strUninstallString, 1
				Else objShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c rctrlx " & strPC & " /i /app " & _
				strUninstallString, 0
			End If
				If strUserName <> "" Then
					objShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c psexec \\" & strPC & " -u " & strUserName & " -i " & _
					strUninstallString, 1
					Else objShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c psexec -i \\" & strPC & " " & _
					strUninstallString, 0
				End If
		End If

		MsgBox strSoftwareName & " is now being uninstalled " & strSilentLabel & _
		" on " & UCase(strPC) & ".", vbInformation, "Software Uninstall Utility"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	ExportSoftwareDetails()
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Export the details for the Software Items
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub ExportSoftwareDetails()
		On Error Resume Next = "wait"

		strTemp = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")
		Select Case ExportSelect.Value
			Case 1
				Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strTemp & "\SoftwareDetails" & strPC & ".csv",True)
				objFile.WriteLine "Software Items on " & strPC
				objFile.WriteLine ""
				objFile.WriteLine "Total: " & intSWCount & " Applications"
				objFile.WriteLine ""
				objFile.WriteLine "Name,Vendor,Version,Install Date,Uninstall String,Silent String"
			Case 2
				Const xlContinuous = 1
				Const xlThin = 2
				Const xlAutomatic = -4105
				strExcelPath = objShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe\")
				If strExcelPath = "" Then
					MsgBox "Unable to export. Excel does not appear to be installed.", vbExclamation, "PC Management Utility"
					Exit Sub
				End If
				Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
				objExcel.Visible = False
				Set objWorkBook = objExcel.WorkBooks.Add
				Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
				objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
				For i = 1 to 3
				objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
				objWorksheet.Name = "Software Details"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Software Items on " & strPC
				objWorkSheet.Cells(3, 1) = "Total: " & intSWCount & " Applications"

				intStartRow = 6
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 1) = "Name"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 2) = "Vendor"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 3) = "Version"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 4) = "Install Date"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 5) = "Uninstall String"
				objWorkSheet.Cells(5, 6) = "Silent String"
			Case 3
				Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strTemp & "\SoftwareDetails" & strPC & ".htm",True)
				objFile.WriteLine "<style type=""text/css"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "body{background-color:#CEF0FF;}"
				objFile.WriteLine "table.export{border-width:1px;border-spacing:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:gray;border-collapse:collapse;}"
				objFile.WriteLine "table.export th{border-width:1px;padding:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:gray;padding:2px 7px 2px 7px;}"
				objFile.WriteLine "table.export td{border-width:1px;padding:1px;border-style:dotted;border-color:gray;padding:2px 7px 2px 7px;}"
				objFile.WriteLine ".backtotop a {font-size:0.9em;}"
				objFile.WriteLine "</style>"
				objFile.WriteLine "<div style=""font-weight:bold;""><a name =""top"">Software Items on " & strPC & "</a><p>"
				objFile.WriteLine "Total: " & intSWCount & " Applications<p></div>"
				objFile.WriteLine "<table class=""export"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "	<tr>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th style=""text-align:left;"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Name"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Google"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th style=""text-align:left;"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Vendor"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th style=""text-align:left;"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Version"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Install Date"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th style=""text-align:left;"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Uninstall String"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "		<th style=""text-align:left;"">"
				objFile.WriteLine "			Silent String"
				objFile.WriteLine "		</th>"
				objFile.WriteLine "	</tr>"
		End Select
		DataList.Sort = "SoftwareName"
		Do Until DataList.EOF
			strSoftwareName = DataList.Fields.Item("SoftwareName")
			strSoftwareVendor = DataList.Fields.Item("Vendor")
			strSoftwareVersion = DataList.Fields.Item("Version")
			dtmSoftwareDate = DataList.Fields.Item("InstallDate")
			strUninstallString = DataList.Fields.Item("UninstallString")
			strSilentString = DataList.Fields.Item("SilentString")
			If strSoftwareName = " " Then strSoftwareName = ""
			If strSoftwareVendor = " " Then strSoftwareVendor = ""
			If strSoftwareVersion = " " Then strSoftwareVersion = ""
			If dtmSoftwareDate = " " Then dtmSoftwareDate = ""
			If strUninstallString = " " Then strUninstallString = ""
			If strSilentString = " " Then strSilentString = ""
			If IsDate(dtmSoftwareDate) Then dtmSoftwareDate = CDate(dtmSoftwareDate)
			Select Case ExportSelect.Value
				Case 1
					strSoftwareName = EncodeCsv(strSoftwareName)
					strSoftwareVendor = EncodeCsv(strSoftwareVendor)
					strSoftwareVersion = EncodeCsv(strSoftwareVersion)
					dtmSoftwareDate = EncodeCsv(dtmSoftwareDate)
					strUninstallString = EncodeCsv(strUninstallString)
					strSilentString = EncodeCsv(strSilentString)
					strCSV = strCSV & strSoftwareName & "," & _
					strSoftwareVendor & "," & strSoftwareVersion & "," & _
					dtmSoftwareDate & "," & strUninstallString & "," & _
					strSilentString & vbCrLf
				Case 2
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 1) = strSoftwareName
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 2) = strSoftwareVendor
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 3) = strSoftwareVersion
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 4) = dtmSoftwareDate
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 5) = strUninstallString
					objWorkSheet.Cells(intStartRow, 6) = strSilentString
					intStartRow = intStartRow + 1
				Case 3
					objFile.WriteLine "	<tr>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & strSoftwareName
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		 	<a target=_blank href=""" & _
						strSoftwareName & """>Search</a>" 
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & strSoftwareVendor
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & strSoftwareVersion
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & dtmSoftwareDate
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & strUninstallString
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "		<td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "			" & strSilentString
					objFile.WriteLine "		</td>"
					objFile.WriteLine "	</tr>"
			End Select

		Select Case ExportSelect.Value
			Case 1
				objFile.WriteLine strCSV
				Set objFile = Nothing
				objShell.Run strTemp & "\SoftwareDetails" & strPC & ".csv"
			Case 2
				Set objRange = objWorkSheet.Range("A1:Z5")
				Set objRange2 = objWorkSheet.Range("A5:F" & intStartRow - 1)
				Set objRange3 = objWorkSheet.Range("E:F")
				Set objRangeH = objWorkSheet.Range("A5:F5")
				objRange.Font.Bold = True
				objRange2.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
				objRange2.Borders.Weight = xlThin
				objRange2.Borders.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
				objRange3.ColumnWidth = 75
				objRange3.WrapText = True
				objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = "True"
				objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
				objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(strTemp & "\SoftwareDetails" & strPC & ".xls")
				objExcel.Visible = True
				Set objExcel = Nothing
			Case 3
				strHTMLTempDir = Replace(LCase(strTemp), "c:", "file:///c:")
				strHTMLTempDir = Replace(strHTMLTempDir, "\", "/")
				objFile.WriteLine "</table>"
				objFile.WriteLine "<p class=""backtotop""><a href=""" & strHTMLTempDir & "/SoftwareDetails" & _
				strPC & ".htm#top"">[..back to top..]</a></p>"
				Set objFile = Nothing
				objShell.Run strTemp & "\SoftwareDetails" & strPC & ".htm"
			End Select
		ExportSelect.Value = 0 = "default"
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	OpenPSUser()
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Shows / hides username textbox
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub OpenPSUser()
		If txtPSUserName.className = "text hidden" Then
			txtPSUserName.className = "text"
				txtPSUserName.className = "text hidden"
				txtPSUserName.Value = ""
		End If
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	PauseScript(intPause)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Pauses the script
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	intPause = number of milliseconds to pause
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	PauseScript(1000)
    '#	NOTES..........:	Above example will pause script for 1 second
	Sub PauseScript(intPause)
		objShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c ping -w " & intPause & " -n 1", 0, True
	End Sub
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	ResetForm()
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Reset the form
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub ResetForm()
		strPC = ""
		txtComputerName.Value = ""
		txtComputerName.Disabled = False
		txtPSUserName.Value = ""
		txtPSUserName.className = "text hidden"
		btnShowSW.Disabled = False
		txtComputerName.className = "text"
		btnShowSW.className = "button"
		txtComputerName.Title = "Computer Name"
		btnShowSW.Title = "Show software list"
		BottomBar.className = "hidden"
		DataArea.InnerHTML = ""
		NumItemsSpan.InnerHTML = ""
		LoggedOnSpan.InnerHTML = ""
	End Sub

    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	Window_onLoad()
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Sets Window size and checks for command line
	'#						argument, if present searches for specified PC.
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Sub Window_onLoad
		VersionSpan.InnerHTML = objUninstallUtility.Version
		strCommand = objUninstallUtility.commandLine
		If InStr(UCase(strCommand), ".EXE") > 0 Then
			arrCommands = Split(UCase(strCommand), ".EXE")
				arrCommands = Split(UCase(strCommand), ".HTA")
		End If
		strComputerName = Trim(Replace(arrCommands(UBound(arrCommands)), Chr(34), ""))
		txtComputerName.Value = strComputerName
		self.ResizeTo 1110,775
		If txtComputerName.Value <> "" Then ShowSoftwareItems()
	End Sub

	'#  FUNCTION.......:	Reachable(strPC)
	'#  PURPOSE........:	Checks whether the remote PC is online
	'#  ARGUMENTS......:	strPC = PC on which to perform action
	'#  EXAMPLE........:	Reachable(PC1)
	'#  NOTES..........:  
	Function Reachable(strPC)
		Set objWMIService2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
		Set colPing = objWMIService2.ExecQuery _
			("Select * from Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strPC & "'")
		For Each objItem in colPing
			If IsNull(objItem.StatusCode) Or objItem.Statuscode <> 0 Then
				Reachable = False
					Reachable = True
			End If
	End Function
	'#  FUNCTION.......:	LoggedOnUser(strPC)
	'#  PURPOSE........:	Get the name of the logged on user as per WMI
	'#  ARGUMENTS......:	strPC = PC on which to perform action
	'#  EXAMPLE........:	LoggedOnUser(PC1)
	'#  NOTES..........:	
	Function LoggedOnUser(strPC)
		Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
		strPC & "\root\cimv2")
		Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
			("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
		For Each objItem In colComputer
			strLoggedOn = objItem.UserName
		LoggedOnUser = strLoggedOn
	End Function
	'#  FUNCTION.......:	GetSIDFromUser(strUserName)
	'#  PURPOSE........:	Gets the SID from the specified user
	'#  ARGUMENTS......:	strUserName = Username for which to retrieve SID
	'#  EXAMPLE........:	GetSIDFromUser("acmegroup\jimbob")
	'#  NOTES..........:  
	Function GetSIDFromUser(strUserName)
		If InStr(strUserName, "\") > 0 Then
			arrUserName = Split(strUserName, "\")
			strDomainName = arrUserName(LBound(arrUserName))
			strUserName = arrUserName(UBound(arrUserName))
				strDomainName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserDomain
		End If

		On Error Resume Next
		Set objWMIService2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
		Set objAccount = objWMIService2.Get _
			("Win32_UserAccount.Name='" & strUserName & "',Domain='" & _
			strDomainName & "'")
		If Err = 0 Then 
			Result = objAccount.SID 
				Result = ""
		End If
		On Error GoTo 0

		GetSIDFromUser = Result
	End Function
    '#	SUBROUTINE.....:	EncodeCsv(strText)
    '#	PURPOSE........:	Encode provided text for CSV export
    '#	ARGUMENTS......:	strText = text to encode
    '#	EXAMPLE........:	EncodeCsv("Some text, etc.")
    '#	NOTES..........:	
	Function EncodeCsv(strText)
		strText = Replace(strText, Chr(34), "")
		strText = Replace(strText, vbCrLf, " ")
		strText = Chr(34) & strText & Chr(34)
		EncodeCsv = strText
	End Function


	<span style="float:left;">
		Computer Name: <input type="text" class="text" tabindex="1" style="border-right:0px;" id="txtComputerName" size="20" title="Computer Name"><input class="button" type="button" tabindex="2" value="Show Items" name="btnShowSW" onclick="ShowSoftwareItems()" onMouseOver="btnShowSW.className='button btnhov'" onMouseOut="btnShowSW.className='button'" title="Show software list">
	<span style="float:right;font-size:0.9em;font-style:italic;color:#888888;font-weight:bold;">
		Version <span id="VersionSpan"> </span>   Created by Stuart Barrett
	<br /><br />
	<div id="DataArea"></div>
	<div id="NotFoundArea" class="hidden">
		<span style="font-size:1.75em;font-weight:bold;color:red;">Access Error</span>
			This PC cannot be reached or the Computer Name has been entered incorrectly.
			Please make sure you have entered the Computer Name correctly and try again.

	<div id="WMIError" class="hidden">
		<span style="font-size:1.75em;font-weight:bold;color:red;">WMI Access Error</span>
			Please make sure you have the required privileges to access the WMI repository on this PC.
	<div id="PSExecError" class="hidden">
		<span style="font-size:1.75em;font-weight:bold;color:red;">Error</span>
			Neither Rctrlx nor PSExec can be found in the System Path. The folders within your System Path are as below:
		<span id="SystemPathSpan" style="height:250px;width:100%;overflow:auto;border:1px solid black;padding:5px;"> </span>
		<br />
		You can download these utilities from the following locations:
		<p style="margin-top:5px;">
			PSExec - 
			<span class="spanlink" style="text-decoration:underline" onClick=OpenURL("") title="Download PSExec">
			<br />
			Rctrlx - 
			<span class="spanlink" style="text-decoration:underline;" onClick=OpenURL("") title="Download Rctrlx">
		Once you have downloaded PSExec or Rctrlx you <span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;">must</span> place it into one of the above mentioned folders.
	<div id="BottomBar" class="hidden" style="margin-top:10px">
		<span style="float:left;">
			<input class="button" type="button" style="height:23px;width:70px;border-right:0px;" value="Refresh" name="btnRefresh" onclick="ShowSoftwareItems()" onMouseOver="btnRefresh.className='button btnhov'" onMouseOut="btnRefresh.className='button'" title="Refresh Software list"><input class="button" type="button" style="height:23px;width:70px;" value="Reset" name="btnReset" onclick="ResetForm()" onMouseOver="btnReset.className='button btnhov'" onMouseOut="btnReset.className='button'" title="Reset form">
			<input class="button" type="button" style="height:23px;width:80px;" value="Username" name="btnPSUser" onclick="OpenPSUser()" onMouseOver="btnPSUser.className='button btnhov'" onMouseOut="btnPSUser.className='button'" title="Show / hide username box"><input type="text" class="text hidden" style="height:23px;border-left:0px;" id="txtPSUserName" size="20" title="Username of install user">
		<span style="float:right;">
			<span id="LoggedOnSpan" style="font-size:0.9em;font-style:italic;color:#888888;">
			<span id="NumItemsSpan" style="font-size:0.9em;font-style:italic;">
			<select name="ExportSelect" title="Export the Software list" onChange="ExportSoftwareDetails()" style="width:150;">
				<option value="0">Export to:</option>
				<option value="1" title="Export Software list to a Comma Seperated Values (csv) file">Export to csv</option>
				<option value="2" title="Export Software list to an Excel (xls) file">Export to xls</option>
				<option value="3" title="Export Software list to a Web page (html) file">Export to html</option>
Categorie: Android